Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How To Change Your Logon Screen’s Startup Sound in Windows 7

 How To Edit Your Logon Screen in Windows 7 (Tutorial Series)

  1. Type CMD in start menu search box or run and press Enter.

  2. Type the following in Command Prompt:
  3. TAKEOWN /F %windir%\system32\imageres.dll && ICACLS %windir%\system32\imageres.dll /GRANT Administrator:F

  4. Go to C:\Windows\System32 (Change C to your system drive) and make a backup of imageres.dll.
  5. Download and run Resource Hacker. Download Link

  6. Open C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll in it. (Change C to your system drive)

  7. Click on the Action menu and select Replace other Resource ….

  8. Click Open file with new resource… and browse for the sound file that you want to use as the startup sound of the logon screen.
  9. Type WAVE in the Resource Type box.
  10. Type 5080 in the Resource Name box.
  11. Click on Replace.
  12. Click on the File menu and select Save.

  13. Go to C:\Windows\System32 (Change C to your system drive) and delete imageres_original.dll. Now restart your PC to hear the new startup sound.

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